Nostalgia Funny Car






N/FC, preceded by number.


Reserved for pre-1980 Automobile bodied, nitro-burning Funny Cars built specifically


for all-out drag racing competition. Minimum weight at conclusion of run: 2,250


pounds, including driver.




Speeds of 250 mph and/or elapsed times in the 5.90-second range will require a


Re evaluation of performance restrictions.










Any internal-combustion, OEM-type engine permitted. Maximum


cubic inches 500; maximum bore centre spacing 4.840 inches, must maintain bore


centres +/- .015-inch from stock. Blocks and cylinder heads must retain all physical


characteristics of stock-production components. Billet blocks permitted. Any new block


design must be submitted to NHRA Technical Services Department for acceptance.


Alloy and billet heads allowed. Accepted billet heads and block must remain as


manufactured. Machining of billet heads or billet blocks to reduce weight is prohibited.


OEM cylinder-head bolt pattern mandatory for all cylinder-head types. Cylinder heads


must retain stock OEM-valve angles.






Engine must be equipped with an SFI Spec 7.1 lower-engine-ballistic/restraint device.


In addition it is advised that an engine oil-retention pan is utilised; minimum material .050-inch


aluminium or .040-inch carbon fiber/Kevlar. Pan must extend from framerail to


framerail and extend from the rear motorplate to minimum 1 inch forward of the front


face of the lower pulley and must incorporate minimum 4-inch-high vertical folded-up


walls on the sides and minimum 2 inches on front and rear. Front and rear walls must


be “coved” toward oil pan to assist oil in staying within the confines of the oil-retention


pan. Pan must be either a one-piece design or constructed as to be sealed as a


retention device to retain oil. Minimum number of slots or holes in the walls to clear


frame, steering, or lines permitted. A non-flammable, oil-absorbent liner advised


inside of retention device.






Double-pipe insulated exhaust headers mandatory. Double tube must extend to start


of bend at bottom of body.






Nitromethane and methanol permitted (65% minimum nitromethane). All other fuels prohibited.








Single fuel pump mandatory. Fuel pump must be of an accepted design - accepted


fuel pumps: Enderle 1200, 1270, and 1380, Settles Nitro Gerotor, Waterman


320950N or 320950, and Rage Racing 1400N-FC. Fuel pumps must retain as-manufactured gear or


rotor outside diameter, depth, and tooth/lobe count. Fuel pumps with a second outlet


must have one of the outlets capped or routed back to the fuel tank or return system.


Fuel pump restricted to a total fuel delivery limited to 21.0 gpm at 4,000 rpm pump


speed measured through a 0.300-inch orifice.


Fuel tank and fuel lines must be within the confines of the frame and be protected


from coming in contact with the track surface. Fuel lines in the driver’s compartment


prohibited except for a fuel-pressure gauge; lines must be steel or steel-braided with


steel fittings.


Must have fuel shutoff operable from the driver’s seat. Fuel tank must be equipped with a


positive locking screw-on cap.


Maximum number of nozzles 24 (maximum 8 in injector hat, 16 in manifold). Y nozzles


may be used in lieu of individual nozzles in the manifold; limited to 16 nozzle


jets. Down nozzles prohibited. Maximum fuel injector air inlet opening: 45 square


inches measured at butterfly or throttle bodies, excluding cross shaft in fully open




No composite materials (i.e., carbon fibre/Kevlar, graphite, etc.) can be used in injector


hat and/or scoop. Hat/scoop must be nostalgic in appearance, internal modifications


allowed. Scoops limited to 12 1/2 inches above throttle body as measured from


centreline of throttle shaft to top of scoop. The use of electric, pneumatic, or any other


automatic way of switching or sequencing of fuel system is prohibited. Fuel system


must operate on its own pressure as far as adding or subtracting fuel volume. Manual


high-speed fuel system allowed.












Restricted to Roots-type supercharger; rotor helix angle not to exceed that of


standard 71-series GM-type rotor. High-helix prohibited. Limited to a single, Roots-type


 6.71 blower.Specification limits: 15-inch rotor length, 18.250-inch case length, and 5.840-inch


rotor cavity diameter. Rotors must be driven from the front; both external drive and


internal gearing. Rotor helix angle limited to standard 71 series GM-type rotor (60


degrees). Maximum overdrive: 18.99 percent. Blower setback may not allow any


portion of blower to extend behind bellhousing mounting surface on cylinder block.


Spacer or components between top of supercharger case and bottom of fuel injector


hat restricted to 2-inch maximum. Supercharger restraint system meeting SFI Spec


14.3 mandatory. Aluminium studs required. Manifold burst panel meeting SFI Spec


23.1 mandatory. Manifolds are limited to a maximum manifold height of 8 inches as


measured from valley gasket surface to blower mounting surface. Supercharger belt


guard mandatory. Fuel and/or oil lines must be shielded wherever they pass the


supercharger drive belt. Either a belt guard or fuel/oil line guard permitted.


Turbochargers, screw-type superchargers, and centrifugal-type superchargers








Throttle control must be manually operated by driver’s foot; electronics, pneumatics,


hydraulics, or any other device may in no way affect the throttle operation. Throttle


must incorporate a positive-action return system.






Cast or fabricated metal valve covers using all attachment bolts mandatory. Carbon


fibre/composite valve covers prohibited.






Vent tubes must be double clamped at each connection. Minimum diameter, 1 1/4


inches for all breather tubes. All quick connections in the system must have a


secondary locking system (tape, wire ties, etc. not allowed). Minimum catch-can(s)


capacity is an 8-quart sump. Catch can(s) must have adequate internal baffling to


prevent oil from being deposited on racing surface.


See General Regulations DRIVETRAIN: 2






Flywheel and clutch meeting SFI Spec 1.3 or 1.4 and flywheel shield meeting SFI


Spec 6.2 mandatory. Clutch management system prohibited. Maximum number of


discs three, maximum number of fingers six. Release of clutch must be the result of a


manual operation by the driver’s foot. No staged systems allowed.






Driveline must be covered in .024-inch steel or .0625-inch aluminium 360-degree full


cover. Couplers mandatory. Rear cover must surround the coupler. Front cover must


surround the driveshaft from the back of the reverser to the end of the splicer sleeve


in the area of the driver’s leg. All covers must be securely mounted to frame, either by


a suitable crossmember or third member.






Rear-end gear ratio minimum (numeric) 3.90:1. Aftermarket full-floating or live axle


assembly mandatory.






Two-speed transmission and reverser required. Transmission must be planetary-type


design. OEM or Powerglide-type units prohibited. A ballistic shield covering all units


mandatory; must meet SFI Spec 4.1.






Four-wheel hydraulic brakes mandatory. Application and release of brakes must be a


function of the driver; electronics, pneumatics, or any other device may in no way


affect or assist brake operation. Hand brake, if used, must be located inside body or


driver compartment. Steel brake lines mandatory, fireproof brake-line covering mandatory on all


(front and rear) flexible connection lines.  






Conventional automotive-type rod ends must be a minimum of 3/8-inch shank


diameter and must be installed with washers to prevent bearing pullout. Removable


steering wheel, if used, must meet SFI Spec 42.1.






Permitted. Must be secured with minimum of two 3/8-inch, Grade 8 fasteners, per


100 pounds.






Minimum 3 inches from front of car to 12 inches behind centreline of axle; 2 inches


for the remainder of the car, except oil pan and headers.






Dual parachutes mandatory. Two separate shroud-line mounting points mandatory


with sleeved 1/2-inch-minimum Grade 8 steel bolts with self-locking nuts or with nuts


welded onto parachute brackets. Shroud-line mounting brackets must be constructed


of minimum 3/16-inch 4130 steel. Fire-resistant protective covers must be on all


parachute packs and unpacked shroud lines.






Chassis must have manufacturer’s name, serial number, and date of manufacture.


Chassis must meet SFI Spec 10.1E. Plating of chassis prohibited; painting permitted.


Chassis must be inspected yearly and have serialized sticker affixed to


frame before participation. Roll-cage padding meeting SFI Spec 45.1 mandatory where


driver’s helmet may come in contact with roll-cage components. Additional padding,


mounted on flat stock and fastened to the roll cage on both sides of the driver's helmet,


advisory. Additional padding must be NHRA-accepted, securely mounted using bolts or


locking fasteners, and must include a flame-retardant covering. A current list of NHRA accepted


lateral head supports is available on Pressurization of


framerails in lieu of air bottles is prohibited.






Rigid rear suspension mandatory. Front suspension optional.






Minimum: 112 inches; maximum: 125 inches, measured on long side. Maximum


wheelbase variation from left to right: 2 inches.






Race-only spec tires on front mandatory. Size of rear tires limited to 34.6-inch


diameter x 17-inch wide.






Must be either beadlock design or use of a liner mandatory on non-beadlock wheels.


Minimum SFI spec 15.1.






Driver-compartment interior, firewall, seat, etc. must be aluminium or steel.


Magnesium or carbon fibre prohibited.






 Minimum one-layer, flame-retardant-material mandatory as seat upholstery.






Limited to 1965 to 1979 Automobile bodies. Bodies must resemble the original


mass-produced make and model. Corvette roadster and Jeep bodies permitted.


Bodies may be made of fiberglass or composite material. Body must lift off as a one


Piece unit. Minimum body width is 60 inches, measured at the centreline of the front


and rear axle. Maximum lowering of roof height: 2 inches. Front fender bubbles


allowed, maximum 2 1/2 inches. The body may be shortened or lengthened a


maximum of 15 percent of original dimensions. Opening for blower hat must have a


minimum 2.500-inch clearance between body and throttle linkage. Injector box in


windshield cannot exceed 50 percent of windshield height. Any modifications to body


not described are prohibited. Side windows prohibited. Exception: Vent windows


permitted, may not extend 2 inches rearward where the A-pillar meets the roof line.


Window must be perpendicular to the bottom of the side window frame.


A means of relieving excess pressure under the body mandatory, either a sufficient


opening in the area around the manifold burst panel is required or by means of a Body


(hood) burst panel, minimum 288 square inches, mandatory. Body burst panel must be


secured with plastic screws and two 1/8-inch stainless-steel wires, with body pad


bolted with plate on both sides of panel. Fireproof body undercoating required.


Body rear mount must be a quick release type operated by a “T” handle on the rear of the


car to aid body removal in the event of an accident.






A working escape hatch must be installed in top of body to permit easy driver exit;


see-through types prohibited. Minimum size,18 inches x 17 inches. Roof hatch must


be permanently attached and hinged at front. Must have release mechanism,


operable from both inside and outside of car.






Must be constructed of .032-inch aluminium or .024-inch steel, magnesium or composite


materials prohibited. Firewall must completely seal driver from engine compartment per NHRA


specs and be equipped with fire windows measuring no greater than 25 square inches on


either side of the firewall in the vicinity of the valve covers to warn driver of fire. Laminated


safety glass or fire resistant plastics such as Lexan or Plex70 mandatory.






Rear spoiler limited to roof height and body width (modern-type spoilers or spill plates


prohibited). Spill plates may not extend forward of the bottom of the rear window or


extend past the trailing edge of the rear deck lid. Spill plates cannot be above the roof


line. Front spoiler limited to overall overhang measurement of 40 inches, measured


from the centreline of the forward most front spindle. The front and rear spoilers are the


only aerodynamic devices permitted; any other wings, spoilers, or canards prohibited.






Computers prohibited.






Data recorders permitted. Cannot perform any function in fuel, clutch, or driver








Single mag limited to point-type only and single coil (no electronic mags or mag amp


boxes allowed). Timing retard must be a function of the driver by mechanical or


pneumatic means only. A positive ignition shutoff within the reach of the driver is








Fire extinguishing system must meet SFI Spec 17.1. Minimum 20-pound or more fire


extinguishing system mandatory. System must be divided so that a minimum of 15


pounds is directed into engine compartment by means of nozzled outlets placed in


front of each bank of exhaust headers. Remaining 5 pounds or more should be


dispersed in driver compartment by means of an atomizing nozzle placed at driver’s


feet. Must be installed per manufacturer’s specifications. Fire-bottle activation cables


must be installed inside framerail where cable passes engine/bellhousing area.


Carbon-fibre bottles prohibited.






No work may be done under any car in the pits while supported by a jack. No car may be


fired while on a jack. Jack stands are required while work is performed or while car is


being warmed up; a licensed driver must be in the seat anytime the motor is being run.


Jack-stand devices must provide a minimum ground clearance of 7 inches from bottom of


rear tire to ground while car is running.






When starting vehicle in the pit area, vehicle must be fully within the confines of the


assigned space. No part of the car may extend past the trailer.












Valid MSA or equivalent license mandatory.






Minimum 5-point, 3-inch driver restraint system meeting SFI Spec 16.1 or FIA 8853/98b mandatory.


All belts and mounting points must be covered with a fire-resistant material. Restraint


systems must be updated at the specified year intervals from date of manufacture.






Full-face helmet with shield meeting Snell SA2005 or SFI 31.2A, or 31.1/2005 Specs


mandatory. Helmet must meet applicable SFI and/or Snell specs, fresh air system


advised using compressed air only. Air can be supplied on demand or by constant








At all times that the driver is in the race vehicle, from the ready line until the vehicle is


on the return road, driver must properly utilize a head and neck restraint system, this can either be


a fully homologated FIA device or an SFI-approved head and neck restraint device/system, including


connecting the helmet as required for full functionality of the device. The device/system must meet


the appropriate FIA specification or SFI Spec 38.1 and must display a valid label. The head and neck


restraint device/system, when connected, must conform to the manufacturer’s mounting instructions,


and it must be configured, maintained, and used in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.






Driver’s suit meeting SFI Spec 3.2A/20, gloves 3.2A/20 boots 3.2A/20 and head sock 3.3


mandatory. All jacket and pants or driver suits that meet SFI Spec 3.2A/20 must be


recertified on a five-year interval. A head sock is not mandatory when helmet is


manufactured with a skirt labelled as meeting SFI Spec. 3.3.